Gerus also said that DTEK plans to buy another 5 from regional power VS Energy.
DTEK plans to buy 5 more regional power have VS Energy / photo UNIAN

The largest private Ukrainian energy holding DTEK, controlled by businessman Rinat Akhmetov, bought the company VS Energy, owned by Russian businessmen, the shares of “Kievoblenergo” and “Odessaoblenergo” for $ 250 million, which significantly exceeds the cost of these companies for privatization.

About this on his page in Facebook wrote the expert in the field of energy Andrew Gerus.

“According to my information, the purchase price amounts to $ 250 million: $ 180 million for a 94% stake in Kyivenergo and $ 70 million for 68% of “Odessaoblenergo”. In 2013 VS Energy bought the shares of “Kievoblenergo” $ 90 million. Today, they sell for $ 180 million. So, earned on these deals yield more than 100% (in dollars) for 6 years. As you can see, it is for the European business in Ukraine is a troubled market, and Russian businessmen are here to earn good money. $ 70 million. over 68% “Odessaoblenergo” it is also much, considering that in March the state property Fund will put the state-owned 25% shares of the power companies on sale at a price of $ 5 million. (i.e. 68% = $ 15 million),” wrote the expert.

“Private “Kievoblenergo” and “Odessaoblenergo” is estimated expensive. That is, their shareholders are Russian businessmen-Vojvodina (the authoritative leader of the Luzhniki group), Ginner (President of FC CSKA) and Babakov (Deputy State. Duma, voted for the annexation of Crimea) will receive $ 250 million”, – he added.

Gerus also said that DTEK plans to buy another 5 from regional power VS Energy.

“According to my information, after the closing of this transaction is preparing another. DTEK plans to absorb another 5 power companies, which remain the property of the Russians. Thus, under the control of Akhmetov’s move “Khersonoblenergo”, “Kirovogradoblenergo”, “Zhitomiroblenergo”, “Chernivtsioblenergo”, “Rivneoblenergo”, – he wrote.

According to him, this transaction will allow DTEK to increase its share in the transmission and distribution of electricity to 57%.

“Today, DTEK owns 15% of all distribution mains (120 thousand miles), with the purchase of two power companies in the ownership will be 25% of all retailers (208 thousand kilometers). And after absorbing 5 other power companies in the ownership of 42% of all Ukrainian retail of electrical networks, or 344 thousand kilometers. Today, power companies, DTEK controls the transfer and sale of 37% of all electricity. After the purchase of two power companies, this percentage grows to 48%. And after absorbing 5 power companies DTEK will control 57% of the transmission and distribution of electricity,” he wrote.

Gerus noted that this is an unprecedented situation, when in the ownership of one of the company provides that the number of networks that are part of critical infrastructure.

“This is an unprecedented situation, when an oligarch gets the property that the number of networks that are part of critical infrastructure (gas network in state ownership and only in the use of oblgas). A “perfect” monopolized vertical integration. And if monopolization in the production of electricity is still possible to escape the import of electricity from the monopolization in private hands electric networks will not be saved”, – he said.

As reported the UNIAN, at the beginning of January 2019 DTEK announced the conclusion of contracts of purchase and sale 68,2949% of actions “Odessaoblenergo” and 93,9978% “Kyivoblenergo”, controlled by the owner of a number of regional power companies VS Energy.

Reference to UNIAN. DTEK is the largest private vertically integrated energy company of Ukraine, a member of the financial-industrial group “Systems Kepital Management”.

According to media reports, the group VS Energy, which belongs to Russian businessmen, control of 10 Ukrainian power companies: “Kievoblenergo”, “Chernivtsioblenergo”, “zakarpatyeoblenergo”, “Odessaoblenergo”, “Khersonoblenergo”, “Rivneoblenergo”, “Zhitomiroblenergo”, “hmelnitskoblenergo”, JSC “Kirovogradoblenergo” and “nikolayevoblenergo”.