China expressed a protest in connection with the publication of the U.S. national strategy in the sphere of exploration, in which Beijing and Moscow called “enemies” of Washington. It notes that Russia and China challenge the United States, seeking to increase its influence on the world stage. According to experts, the sharp rhetoric on the part of Americans talking about their desire to increase pressure on Moscow and Beijing, including using the tools of intelligence.

  • The office of the Director of National intelligence
  • Reuters
  • © Yuri Gripas

The official representative of the Chinese foreign Ministry, Hua Chunying 23 Jan protested to the United States in response to the publication of the American national strategy in the sphere of exploration, in which China and Russia are called “enemies” of the US.

“We noticed you mentioned the wording in the just-published in the United States updated version of the national strategy of the United States in the field of intelligence. USA has released a number of similar reports, which are put forward unfounded accusations against Russia and China. We Express our protest in this regard”, — quotes RIA Novosti statement by the spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of foreign Affairs.

A day earlier, the national US intelligence — Agency, coordinating the work of 17 American secret services, published a new national strategy in the field of intelligence. In her first set of threats emanating from “traditional enemies” to which Washington will include Russia and China.

In the previous version of the document, released in September 2014, the term “opponents” in relation to Russia and China were not applied, although it was stressed that both countries are “challenging US interests”.

“These opponents challenge us in the military sphere (in regard to traditional, non-traditional, hybrid, and asymmetric means), in economic and political spheres, stresses intelligence strategy of the United States. — Russia will probably continue its efforts to increase its influence and values that may conflict with the objectives and priorities of the United States in a number of regions. There are still concerns and on the modernization of the Chinese armed forces and China’s commitment to economic and territorial domination in the Pacific region and beyond”.

The gallery

At the same time, the new strategic document of the United States emphasizes that China, unlike Russia, and possibly cooperation in areas of mutual interest, in particular in the issue of denuclearization of the DPRK.

Another country, which, according to American intelligence, threatening the United States, is Iran, which allegedly supports terrorists, developing nuclear weapons and the missile means of delivery, as well as providing assistance to enemies of the United States.

“On the whole “payment” as the main “villains” of Russia and China copies of similar moments in the national security strategy 2017″, — said in an interview with RT, Professor of Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov Andrei Manoylo.

The document presented to the public the President of the United States Donald trump on 18 December 2017.

  • The President of the United States Donald trump is a national security strategy 18 Dec 2017
  • Reuters
  • © Joshua Roberts

According to the expert, in relation to the functioning of the intelligence community such prioritisation in the doctrinal document is intended to justify new actions against with Moscow and Beijing with the active use of intelligence.

“The fact that the national strategy in the field of intelligence spoke first about Russia and China, so that the priority intelligence activity is the activity against Russia and China, says manoylo. Is and activities against the intelligence and security services, and the acquisition of agents and subversive activities of various kinds, and even bribe officials and officials”.

Changing world

The new strategy of US national intelligence also noted that the “traditional enemies” of Washington are trying to exploit the changes occurring in international politics, “including the weakening of the current after the Second world war international order and the domination of Western democratic ideals, strengthening isolationist trends in the West and changes in the global economy”.

In the opinion of corresponding member of the Academy of military Sciences Sergey Sudakova, special attention is paid to the new us strategic document Russia and China, due to the fact that these countries are questioning the same, the unipolar model of international relations.

“Any country that departs from the dictates of America, declared enemy, as it infringes on American exceptionalism, — said Zander. And it is this exclusivity was the basis of globalization when other countries adopt the American standards and played solely in the interests of America.”

As pointed out Andrey manoylo, the accusations against Moscow and Beijing in undermining democratic ideals — not that other, as “quasi-political demagogy”, to which Washington resorted in the absence of other evidence of threats emanating from those countries.

“Obviously, for an individual citizen of the United States, for example, a farmer in Kansas, neither Russia nor China pose no danger. Accordingly, there is a democratic world, freedom — things are very abstract,” notes manoylo.

According to American intelligence, Russia and China challenge the Americans in high technology industries. It is emphasized, in particular, that Moscow and Beijing may possess weapons capable of destroying American satellites orbiting the Earth, thereby eliminating the advantages of the United States in the field of space exploration. There is also the fact that the ability of “enemies” are growing in cybersphere.

  • The Chinese military
  • AFP

“As of kiberbezopasnosti our opponents will grow they will represent a growing threat to U.S. security, including critical infrastructure, health and safety of citizens, economic prosperity and stability”, — emphasized in the new American razvedroty.

Bet on technology

To meet the changing realities of the modern world, U.S. intelligence, according to the compilers of the national strategy, must be modernized. In particular, special attention was paid to improving the analytical component of the activities of intelligence agencies, integrating these objectives with the academic and expert community.

  • Director of National intelligence Dan Coates
  • Reuters
  • © Aaron P. Bernstein


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As noted on January 22, the Director of National intelligence Dan Coates, an important imperative is the technological improvement of the work of American intelligence agencies in the world, where the volume and speed of information transmission increased. For example, according to him, the great expectations associated with the transition to the use of artificial intelligence for analysis of large data sets.

Among the challenges facing the U.S. intelligence community, also listed the development of new methods of quantitative analysis, increased interaction and understanding between the intelligence agencies in the United States and with partners in other countries. Cybersecurity American intelligence tasked with obtaining information on the action plans in this area leaders opponents, and integrate intelligence plans with strategies to counter military, diplomatic and financial spheres.

According to Andrey manoylo, the content of a new strategy of intelligence more like a “draft of a note to Congress on the allocation of new appropriations.”

“It lists those threats that are clear to congressmen and senators with no military or intelligence training, manoylo stressed in an interview with RT. These cyberverse in the refrigerators of ordinary Americans, knocking down satellites — all financial unit, unrelated to the actual operation, the amount of money coming out of Congress.”

Dictionary of conflict

The national strategy in the field of intelligence is not the only recent strategy document, where in relation to Moscow and Beijing to Washington officially uses the term “opponents”. For example, in the recently published “policy Review in the area of missile defense,” Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are referred to as “potential enemies”.


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At the same time in the end of 2017 the national security strategy of the United States against Russia and China used the definition of “revisionist power.” Released a year ago the national defense strategy of the United States addressed the relationship between Moscow and Beijing on one side and USA on the other as “strategic rivalry”.

In this case, issued in February 2018 “Overview of U.S. nuclear policy” the term “potential adversaries,” though used in the same context with a description of the potential or the positions of Moscow and Beijing, but also stressed that “the United States does not want to consider neither Russia nor China their opponents and try to maintain stable relations with both countries.”

“The United States dropped the mask and began to call a spade a spade — commented on changes in the lexicon of the White house Sergey Sudakov. — For a long time, the United States hid their intentions, talked about competition, but recently decided to dot the “and”.

According to experts, the new rhetoric also means a new approach to relations with China and our country.

“Methods of struggle change. When you compete — you opponents, you have certain General rules of the game. But if you become enemies, then all of your previous agreements are nullified, emphasizes perch. — We are entering the era of confrontation, when all means are good”.