Odessa commercial sea port. Photo: Ukrainian News

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After it became known that Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman is going to retire, was called into question and further management of the Odessa branch of ASD and the port of Odessa. To date, there runs a command, which is associated with Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman is Igor Tkachuk, his Deputy Alexander tooth, as well as acting Director of the port of Victor Voitko. They all come from Vinnytsia, and each of them questioned how they meet the public interest.

Last year the edition “Mirror of week” wrote about how the former head of “Ukrpochta” Igor Tkachuk together with his team, stood at the helm of GP “Odessa sea trade port”.

“As acting leader, he headed a state that is not engaged in cargo handling, and owns the port and leases to private stevedoring companies are state property and thus affect many processes in the port…”, — wrote the edition.

Then the reputable Ukrainian weekly was reminded of a very ugly history of dismissal of Igor Tkachuk from the previous place of work. However, this did not prevent the former chief postman to take the place of the head of one of the largest seaports of the country.

“Igor Tkachuk retired from the post office in the summer of 2016 after losing the competition for the position of head of the Ukrainian state enterprise of posts “Ukrposhta”, despite the fact that managed by this company and held other positions in 2014. Moreover, after his departure, in August of 2016, had opened a criminal case on the fact of embezzlement of property in especially large sizes officials of “Ukrposhta” together with the representatives of several companies”, — reported earlier.

Then the investigative Directorate of the National police established that the highest officials of this enterprise for 2015-2016 through tenders organized the purchase of household chemicals at inflated prices in the interests of certain commercial structures. 9 September Pechersk district court of Kyiv at the request of the investigator for particularly important cases of GSU of national police in coordination with the state office of public Prosecutor has consented to a search in the “Ukrposhta”. On the 14th September, the Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman, by order, approved the appointment of Igor Tkachuk to the post of acting Director of GP “Odessa commercial sea port” (Odessa sea commercial port).

Igor Tkachuk. Photo: Ports Of Ukraine

Almost immediately after his appointment to the chair of the first head of SE “Odessa commercial sea port”, and soon the Odessa branch of ASPU Igor Tkachuk was in the midst of high-profile corruption scandal with tugs of the port of Odessa.

“Note, the main income of GP “omtp” brings the work of tug fleet over 80%. It is about $ 15 million a year. Anyway, it used to be. Now in times less…” — wrote “Mirror of week”.

In 2016, the waters of the port went to the towing company “Ekoflot”, established in 2014 with registered capital of 1 thousand hryvnias. As wrote the newspaper “OSA”, “Ekoflot” immediately began to run up to 60% of towing operations in the port, using state of the tugs. Tow company took in the rent at a reduced rate — not more than $400 per hour, with the market rate of about $800. Thus, one towing the transaction has cost the company “Ekoflot” an average of $2400, and the owner paid at least $10 thousand. Damage to state-owned enterprises is at least $7600 on one of the tow wiring.

According to media reports, in January of 2017 tugs, LLC “Ekoflot” earned about $500 thousand, while the state tugs — of no more than $200 thousand. Income of GP “omtp” in the first quarter decreased two times compared to the same period, net profit — by 4.3 times.

Wide publicity in the press and protests by port workers has led to the fact that Igor Tkachuk had to turn the activity of the “Ekoflot”. But in 2018, a new company “Prime Agency” with another vinnitskij friends Igor Tkachuk co-founders and ridiculous statutory funds. “Prime Agency” and continues to operate in the port, which is rapidly losing profits, despite multiple scandals.

Besides all this, as it turned out, Igor Tkachuk has his own private company “Mainpartners”, which operates in the port of Odessa mooring work. Before joining the port of Vinnytsia team, the mooring work was done by the state Department and was earning about UAH 20 million per year. The new chief decided differently: the state to disband private to create, to hire the same swarovskies, only money from their work now going not to the state but as a private profit structure of the head port.

Meanwhile, newly enrolled and other information about the activities of Igor Tkachuk, that would not hurt to check law enforcement agencies. As they say today the staff of the port Igor Tkachuk allegedly significantly raised the salaries of their trusted people in the port, and also pay them huge bonuses. However, receiving additional payments to regular employees allegedly required 100% of the premium to pay in cash to the guide and still return 25% of salary.

The staff of the Odessa port are sure that all of the above actions will lead to bankruptcy yesterday profitable state enterprise “Odessa commercial sea port”, which will lead to disastrous consequences for the port and its workers and for the economy as a whole.