She was sent to a detention center of the city. The lawyer announced plans to appeal against the deportation of the journalist from Russia.
Boyko will be sent to jail Lviv / photoСкандальную Lviv journalist Elena Boyko, who in August 2015 after the searches, the SBU has fled to Moscow, arrested in Kharkov.

She was sent to a detention center of the city. About it “TASS” announced her Russian lawyer Galina Perfilieva.

“When we talked to her last time, she was being taken to the court of Kharkov for election of a preventive measure. Currently, the court arrested her, and then my doveritelnyi will be sent to Lviv prison”, she said.

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According to a criminal case under part 1 of article 110. Of the criminal code “incitement to violate the territorial integrity of the country”.

Perfilieva also announced plans to appeal against the deportation of the journalist from Russia. “She was expelled on Wednesday on the basis of the decision on forced expulsion and the decision on enforcement proceedings. Both documents are dated 15 January and both are marked that they can be appealed within ten days. Thus, to date, they have not entered into force, and the deportation of my client was illegal,” – said the lawyer.