In 1619 Johannes Kepler published a treatise “Harmonices Mundi”, which presented aggregated data of their astronomical observations. And described the concept of “music of the spheres” harmonic structure of the Universe. The implication was that such a perfect and orderly movement of celestial bodies must create the melody. And in 2017 we finally heard!
Experts from NASA have collected an array of data from the spacecraft Voyager 1 from 1977 to the current time. Is information about the concentration of protons, alpha particles and other charged particles encountered in its flight path. The information transformed in a melody, a data cluster for every 26 days was one note. Thus was born the real music of the spheres.
The orchestration of space sounds very difficult. The main melody, the “breath” of hard radiation in interstellar space, performing violin, which is replaced by flute-Piccolo at the level of 2012, when Voyager left the Solar system. Piano reflected the impact on the flow of the particles of the gas giants of Jupiter and Saturn. And at the time of the passage of the heliopause by Voyager radically changing the whole tone of the melody.
The entire melody, 40-year-old flight of Voyager, lasts about 3 minutes. The authors of this idea became doctors of Sciences Dominic Vicinanza and Genevieve Williams. They hope to attract the attention of a large number of people to the space research, no one pays any attention to the dry columns of numbers and graphs, but all will hear the real music of the spheres!
Source — Anglia Ruskin University