As reported by the official website of the FBU, in the competitions of the Cup of Ukraine men’s “Final four” will take Kharkov, and female – Kiev.
Interestingly, in women alternatives to the capital’s sports complex “Meridian” did not exist, because the application was made by only playing it “Kiev-basket”.
Accordingly, it is the home arena on March 3 he in the first semifinal match will play against BC “Frankivsk”, and the second forces will face Odessa “interkhim” and capital “Dynamo-NPU”. The final will take place on March 4.
Men to conduct the “Final four” also claimed the South and the Dnieper, however, the choice was made in favor of Kharkiv for the reason that there are much more other requires increasing the promotion of basketball and, besides, the capacity of the local Palace of sports “Lokomotiv” more than yuzhnensky FSK “Olimp” and the Dnieper DS “Shinnik”.
Thus, on March 9 in the semi-finals in the arena DS “locomotive” will meet a pair of “Dnepr” – “Polytechnic” and “Bipa” – “the Chemist” and the winner of the honorary trophy will be determined on March 10.
Sergey DATSENKO, Sport-Express in Ukraine