Andriy Pavelko. Photo:

Around our football reigned a very suggestive silence, permeated, like the night, darkness and horror.

The new President desperately needed to keep the stars out loud and fair, equitable and loud landing of corrupt officials, and there are already almost all on a saucer with a green border lined only untie the hands of law enforcement, only to give them the right to do what they Yazdani to fulfill your professional duty!

To deal with the schemes of plundering of the budget, and with discharge of tens of millions to heaven knows where, and with loans of UEFA and FIFA, and Pro Bono assistance.

Evona, from Kherson arrived, the stadium cost 14 million UAH was built literally on the shit, that is on sewer, but warned. Now the feces of the rod from all cracks, and no blame. 22 million dumped on the account was a month before the firm dummy with a statutory Fund of UAH 1000 (as it looks like a mysterious plant near Kiev!) and ordered her to issue 14 venues with artificial turf. All the same a million and a half nearly on the object throughout the country on the nose, if only the law allowed the tender to carry out! And we want to convince officials that this is pure theft because a football ground is not so expensive – neither the coating nor any other work. They don’t want to hear because busy – sawing the money, because you can not make it.

And if, nevertheless, the new government will take them over the warm udder? Oh, I would like to believe. They are engorged in recent years, our money and also money that could and should be our (I’m on the media, UEFA and FIFA, sent to our country to the development of football), you probably don’t believe that they were threatened with some punishment – weaned. And yet, clearly concerned, which is tough, but aptly described by the word “stiff”. Wait – will come. If not – too bad, one more chance Hey.

Searches in the apartments of officials of FFU, the seizure of documents at the plant (not too late?!) – symptoms the fact that justice has a chance to prevail.

Think of the Congress of FFU on may 17 in Zaporozhye and offer another question to whether the management report, whether in debate, whether as a separate item on the agenda report of the judicial Committee on progress over recent work. In particular, what interests:

1) for 2012, if not mistaken judicial fees did not rise – that is, they have since really decreased several times: don’t provoke any such policy corruption (“if players do not pay, they will pay”);

2) the second League referees are forced to travel around the country at their own expense – wouldn’t it be better to eliminate this problem than to threaten to VAR, which is needed, by and large, for four matches in a year; moreover, the value of VAR is still not completely clear, but for the vast majority of professional clubs, and, it seems, most of the FFU is a very painful issue;

3) is there an understanding that the continuous decline in football refereeing fails to demonstrate any achievement on this background – it drag behind him;

4) are there financial problems with payment of judges and their training? And equipment;

5) what’s the plan hold arbitration for any decent level in terms of staff shortage generated by the various investigations – whether the forced excessive jumps, relatively speaking, from the second League in the Premier League?

At the time the judiciary Committee began to comment on the decisions of their employees in the field. Then, the initiative has been forgotten, and here, too, reigned a deathly silence, which was, apparently, in full swing, but do not want to lift the veil of stormy life.

Is it right? I don’t think.

In the meantime, the court case, arrived the requirement of football Federation of Kyiv to those who by virtue of their posts shall monitor corruption and ethics violations. The logic is iron. Under false pretenses, but in fact because of the disobedience of the FFU stopped financial assistance to the FPC. Hence the question-so, can not pay, because the journalists are right and everything stolen?!

Will have to answer. For all the questions this one of the simplest.

Artem Frankov, the magazine “Football”