The algorithms of information processing by the brain still keep many secrets. According to neuroscientists, it consists of 100 billion neurons, between which there is 100 trillion. ties.

With the help of MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), scientists can observe the processes of blood circulation and a separate electrical impulses in the brain when performing certain human tasks. However, some neurons are involved in this, remains a mystery. An attempt to unravel it became a joint project of neurobiologists and mathematicians Bluebrain on the basis of the Swiss Federal technical Institute in Lausanne.

The main mathematical method was chosen algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics, describing using equations, objects and space, existing in many dimensions. The whole process of research is briefly presented in three videos on You Tube.

With the help of topology and the concept of simplices (a simplex is a geometrical figure, which is the n-dimensional generalization of a triangle) the video shows that our brain produces a lot more simplex than on the chart, characterizing the random pulses. This work is material for future research, but at an aggregate level we can say that the entire array of neural connections in our brain form a complex system that exists in eight dimensions. Even a small area of the brain could contain tens of millions of multidimensional objects. Examining their structure, scientists will finally be able to simulate the activity of the human brain.