Russian arms concern “Kalashnikov” continues to astonish the world with the breadth of his interests, which have long gone beyond the new models of small arms. After the recent presentations of combat robots, speed boats and own of the next one – the famous motorcycle brand “Il”, “electric” version for the needs of the police and the army, “Army-2017”.
It is both very modern and simple machine. Its power of 15 kW, which corresponds to 20 HP cruising range on a single charge is 150 km away. the battery pack is located on both sides of the rear wheel. For practical convenience, the design includes double thick seat and special points for securing Luggage. Electrocycle feature utilitarian zhidkokristallicheskikh instrument panel with a separate analog speedometer.
Currently electric motorcycles are tested by the staff of the Moscow traffic police. The developers have promised to consider all their comments, after which a series of 50 electrocycle will be available to the Metropolitan traffic police to work during the world Cup in June-July 2018.
Source — Kalashnikov