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Be socially responsible

The fight for talent across the world is the key to success. And while some complain about generation Z, the others pick up the keys to it. The social mission of the brand-the employer is one of them. Young professionals want to work in inclusive teams

Cookies in the office and remote work they will not lure, they need the team, the idea, the ability to change the world here and now. Three years ago we introduced the initiative on employment of the deaf and hard of hearing people, and in 2018, provided training in sign English. Field of activities and trends in the Ukrainian reality is boundless, act.

Unite and think globally

A client comes to you for solution. Not enough to create the concept or writing strategy, you need to implement it. And here we need strong partners. Friends progeny, Badacsony, media people, creatives. To take responsibility for someone to advise and cooperate is difficult, but as said brand Director, Procter & Gamble Marc Pritchard: “Your complexity should not be our problem, so we want you [the Agency] made her invisible.”

Collaboration Isobar Ukraine and programmatic division of Amnet within the holding company Dentsu Aegis Network, for example, turned into a case for Bayer, by which Bepanten plus moved 3 positions in category 1 and was awarded Effie in 2018. Our cooperation with the Agency for performance marketing iProspect Ukraine helps to enhance the various stages of the sales funnel for clients in the financial and pharmaceutical segments, when in the initial assessment it seems that the threshold conversion efficiency of media campaigns has been achieved. And many such examples.

 Reorganize structure

Researchers and strategists Strategy& believe that agencies need to fundamentally rethink their organizational structure to become much more integrated in the functions of the back-, middle – and front-office; to take a more active role in the daily strategic operations. First and foremost, these changes must relate to the holdings. Roughly speaking, the principle of “divide and conquer”, we move to the “unite to survive”.

Grow effortlessly

Come out to the international market and follow the international standards. Surprisingly, this external process would need internal changes. Invest in your employees, implement meditation courses, organize office fighting for Elias or Level Up, to hold office workout aimed at improving, experiment with a four-day work week — today is not a whim but a guarantee of healthy business.

Suck own brand

Shoemaker without shoes as without Agency self-promo. Advising clients how to stand out from the crowd, we often forget about myself. And for good reason. For example, the case of last year began its own campaign Isobar Ukraine #manoevers mother’s Day.

Absolute freedom for the Z s and Y s with minimum investment not only increased brand awareness, but also led young professionals who are inspired by this campaign and wrote us in Facebook: “I Want to work!”. As well as, drew a few contracts.

Experiment with the structure

SCRUM, the Spotify Model, Kanban, service jams within the Agency. We try everything not because of an excess of free time, and because business processes transformirovalsya daily. Where yesterday needed one person today running a Department. And Vice versa. Classic creative pair of copywriter-designer? It was yesterday, but today the content Creator and writes, and disinherit, but also oversees production.

Accouant manager also needs to be a multi-functional specialist, he understands the client’s business, his product, his needs. Automation extends the functionality modifies the entire directions, so you need to be able to quickly rebuild processes: corporate and personal.

The business transformation is not a matter of a few months. The process is not always smooth, but it gives more growth opportunities to talented employees and retain them; ensure the efficiency of processes reduces complexity, increases speed to market; encourages better interactions with customers.

For example, in late 2018 we conducted a series of in-depth interviews with marketing Directors, brand managers, owners of businesses of Ukrainian companies to actualize the needs of clients and offer a more competitive product.

In the next article I will discuss what insights we could find.