Chomu VSI Varto zaboraviti rosiyski sozleri the programs include
Uncategorized May 16, 2017
President Poroshenko Papisov decree, Yakima onowu Sankt against low rosiyskih companies that parallel zaboraviv there simeri Ukraine “Vkontakte” and “Classmates”, serve “Yandex” that “Labatory Kasperskogo”, “Dr. Web”, 1C toscho.
Also Sered rosiyskih companies that papali pid suncc “Aeroflot”, TV company “NTV”, “Almaz-Antey”, “Gazprom Bank” toscho.
Ale home innovation that Novyna – factual, mayzhe VSI rosiyski compan in Internet potrapila pid Sanct. Hi bagato in chomu TSE rsena poyasnite bazhannyam Bankowo of perebity wkra negatywnie informacine of tlo, vono got duzhe pozitivni character.
After finally, after Veliko informatino W campan Ob’єdnannya volonteri InformNapalm, Vlad has svernul pay attention to those scho Trammel — taqiy the very front wine s Rosy, Yak I whether yaky another. I scho VIN potrebu regular. Varto understand, scho whether yaky great rosiysky systemic business – derzhavni. I bere fate at win against the Ukraine.
Now Ukrainian Internet-provaideri toil zaboraviti access to low resursu servs rosijskogo origin, that have pid tribali him chimala castino Ukrayinsky trafco. Nadto W if mi are talking about the service Yandex, Yakima corestauti bagato milionw ukraïntsiv. I postavim servcom, navgation ,, . , nevinnym pochukalina the aggregator. Yandex, in turn, nalezyty factual Sberbank. That is, rosiysky derjav.
Yandex kontrolowany the Kremlin, in the nom duzhe large share of Sberbank Russia, and wherein VIN vzhe pocas use svoï features have poltechnic clah about what I wrote in the oldest Russie “oposicin” ZMI. Yandex school in 2009 year passing rosiysky Uryadov instrument falnoga control shares: “the Gold share”. About TSE wrote RBC, TSE vgcreate fact. Gold action Bula transferred to Sberbank Yak derelanko, dwellers VIN MAV faline word in rozpodil chastok mizh vlasnikom.
“After usarpac Vladi in Russie Putnam from 2012 year Yandex pocas CDO depreciate zamovlennya Vlady’s muffled lakomislenost, spigolo, manpussy nowindow the issuance of special. TSE is especially obvious at a time. Rosiya koplen velichanie protests against Putina I Yogo darmow. Passed mdingi on all country, they took the fate of tens of thousands of people. Have Dagestan bunton dalcobank strycova. VSI TSI act povnistyu samokovlija by Yandex for vcash Putina. About TSE write rosiyski ZMI, TSE takozh publci information”, – poyasnyu activst merezhi InformNapalm, Michael, Makaruk.
Nebezpeka tsogo servs . selectnow, after aristophane Yogo servname were given access to rosyjskim intelligence agencies to be eco private formats.
Axis you a butt. Man has got to Poshtova village skrinka on Yandex — all, meaning, all of his correspondence available rosyjskim security services. And yakscho tsya person — vysokovoltnoe?
And if the person in son ATO koristus navgation Yandex. Yak dumat, vddon Yogo dati aktivnost Mauger Scavo npharmacy witch special services? And yakscho Tsey service shte th parallel sharable Groshi, Ukrainian platnick payers on the Internet reklam?
Yakscho say about Socal merezhi TA Vkontakte Odnoklassniki — TSE one of navalesi zasobu Russian, propaganda. Same in the social CIR Meri resocialise gbridge viyna Russia against the Ukraine.
There coordinales Chi is not the whole “Russian spring”, there prodoljaute coordinate svoï d agentor the boat merezhi rosiyan, same TSE vykorystovuyutsia meeting place for gurtovnya the mass rozpisywania Russian, propaganda. Sama TSI simeri steel that salecause basic mstem coordinats anticrash diyalnosti vsih kinds in the country.
Let’s sobi sakarbura in Golov just stinu. Rosiysky business in whether yakih forms not got pracovat in Ukraine. Especially taqiy – system-reigning for Yakima to starcat Vuh Gazprom, Sberbank, yakomu to nalezhat TSI, kontori. The Gazprom/Sberbank = FSB = the Kremlin.
Vzhe it is skyline from all sorts Amnesty International that rösti NSA lberals about those scho Yak TSE rotten – blokovat Yandex, Vkontakte and Classmates that. Th the rest rosiyskih servs, that Nemov supalite grantsboro octopus, abslutely Ukrainian kiber-space.
Movlyav, Yak is so, TSE W censorship. Hi, this is not censorship, but protection of his informacinio space from escravo vorago desinformaci. On Yak mi can niyak uplynuti, aaaea, and CIR Meri znahoditsya there country-agresor punim pid control of the security services tsogo agresora.
Besides, at a time to presunuti users not sklada godno problems, abiti Qiu Zamorano, ustanovili sobi Vdovin anonmm, browseri the TOR. Want SETI th further Vkontakte — sit. Axis tilki I company not more smore pracowali against the Ukraine, shte th zeroblue parallel koshti on Ukranian.
Identity, mova yde not about porsenna rights lyudin on parmacy, and about pripinaniya vorago, propagandi.
Hoca should be considered, scho Periana blesst koristuvach same CIR Meri ye to dosit pasiunii th little posunutie in Internet. So scho tsya saborosa mill mogut blow to Tim, hto got anticrack position. And Contact sidit nd do hope 20 mllions gromadyan Ukrainy.
Th fact this CROC has got the bike th positive znachennya s usih Boku. Rdki the case, if Vlad th osobiste President , scho pohvaliti. And most importantly — a team of InformNapalm osobiste activst mikhayla Makaruka, that was dalali Cheema susil for dwellers tsya rosiyska poshest Bula vidalina s Ukrayinsky informacinio spaciousness.
Of course, taqiy RSCI CROC up the President bagato in chomu poyasnite mogannam of perebity ochevidni in nformation prostor negative schodo yourself. Beautiful CROC – shirts instead of Cena VSI s heat rush obgovarivali Zamorano rosiyskih of simeri. Ale TSE acres that case, if situation teresi Vladi clcom spupdate zi strategicznymi interesami of the country.
Point Zora redacts Еспресо.TV Mauger not sbhatia s point Zora avtorsko column. Espresso not vpliva on zmist avtorskih columns of I not nes modified for Dumka, Yak is absurd willowroot in them.