Chiygoz and the dead. Not to give up

Why we need to continue to hold up signs with the names of other political prisoners
In childhood many of us were threatened with a do’er. If I ever come to mind than that to scare your child, I know that this will be a do’er.
“Don’t eat the soup — it will tell you what did the Russian security forces in the Crimea in the days of my youth”.
For example, the falsified case against undesirables, lawyers were abducted in broad daylight on the street (about Nicholas Polozova), was detained for 10 days and arranged in the office search (about Emil Kubedinova). Chasing people every Wednesday at “the court” (“Umanovska environment”) and is not considered necessary to bring Akhtem chigusa on the announcement of his sentence, although one building from another was in walking distance.
They forced my grandson Ilmi-yeah hug grandpa through the metal bars in a psychiatric hospital, where he was locked for the holding of any examination. And then these same granddaughter was crying loudly sobbing on the background of a silent crowd of people who came to support Umerov. Because “two years in a penal colony with a ban on any public activity” — this was the sentence this man. It is they, the people in uniform, not allowed Akhtem chigusa for the funeral of her own mother. Which until the last second wanted only to see her son at liberty.
“Upon hearing the news of the release I ran to pictures of his late wife and said, “Your son has been released!” and started to cry. Now I ask God to and the rest of the prisoners released,” said Chiygoz Satullo.
In the so-called “26 Feb” there are two other defendants — Ali and Mustafa Asanov degermendzhi. They are under house arrest. “Well, at least not in prison” — sigh about you, but I will say that they lost the opportunity to provide for his family, to work, to move around the city, ride to school children, whom Ali Asanov, for example, four.
By the way, about children: about a hundred of the Crimean Tatar kids already know what it’s like to Wake up at 6 in the morning from the knocking of the door and ring of the broken dishes.
Because “waves” of raids on the homes of the Crimean Tatars during the occupation was more than a year public holidays (if you want to know more about these stories go to the “Crimean house” the exhibition by photographer Anton Naumiuk “Dorosle krymske ditinstvo”).
That Chiygoz and dead already free is certainly one of the best news recently. Recent years I’ve seen their faces on posters in their support that kept standing on the Maidan under the Russian Embassy in Kiev. But at the same time I remember one of the last actions — “look iz rosijskogo polonium”. There were many relatives of the Ukrainians who are sitting in Russian prisons and in the Crimea. Posters was the same number, how many prisoners of the Kremlin. So — we didn’t have enough hands, just physically, the people could not keep all these banners with the names. So if you think “standing with the piece of paper is not enough,” allow me to disagree. First you attract attention and do not allow to forget about the people and the chaos that is Russia. Have to remember them not only in Ukraine but also in other countries where there are those for whom the violation of human rights is a major issue.
We all are waiting for them. Home. And some more of your house too are waiting.