Note that, in December 2018, the European Parliament approved the entry of Romania and Bulgaria into the Schengen area.
Bulgaria and Romania will join the Schengen / photo Uniquement and Bulgaria can join Schengen area in 2019.

This statement was made by President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, says Еxperttur.

Read takeoverpayment approved a resolution on the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area

According to Tajani, Romania and Bulgaria should be accepted into the Schengen area until July 2019. Just before this time will continue the presidency of Romania in the EU Council. The President of the European Parliament added that the accession of these countries to the other participants of the Schengen area will increase the security of Europe.

Note that, in December 2018, the European Parliament approved the entry of Romania and Bulgaria into the Schengen area. It is important to note that such a resolution has already become the fifth in a row for the last 7 years.

Accession to the Schengen area will allow tourists with a Schengen visa to move freely from Bulgaria and Romania in 26 European countries, including Germany, Greece, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Czech Republic and Finland.

Now for entry in Bulgaria and Romania with the availability of biometric passports of citizens of Ukraine visa is not required. Visa regime with 11.06.2017 (visa — free regime up to 90 days within 180 days). Tourists nebolchinsky passports visas in the normal way.