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The UK government has developed a bill that would allow London after Brexit to save and strengthen sanctions against Russia, which are currently under way on lines of the European Union.

About this reports Deutsche Welle.

As stated in the explanatory Memorandum to the British Parliament, the purpose of the bill is to “motivate Russia to cease actions to destabilize Ukraine”.

The document also States that the government action in fact will only replace those that now operate within the legislation of the European Union. But in fact they contain a number of serious differences. For example, the government in London proposes to introduce criminal liability for violation of the sanctions regime with Russia — in particular, to punish for violation of trade sanctions with a fine or imprisonment for up to 10 years.

This bill provides for making no publicity in the list of sanctions of specific individuals, if necessary “in the interests of national security or international relations”. EU legislation provides for such a possibility.

As expected, Autonomous sanctions of great Britain against Russia will be binding not only on the territory of the country. They will be required to comply with and British subjects abroad.

See ALSO: the Italian Government wants to cancel anti-Russian sanctions

In addition, the authority to monitor the implementation of sanctions will be extended to British vessels in international or foreign waters and foreign ships in international waters.

With the purpose of monitoring compliance with the trade embargo against the Crimea or the ban on deliveries to Russia of military goods or dual-use items the British military will be able to stop and search foreign ships with “use of reasonable force” and to confiscate prohibited items.

We will remind, in February the U.S. Congress published a new law envisaging the introduction of additional sanctions against Russia. The sanctions hit Russia’s financial institutions, which, according to the President of the United States, one way or the other supported the Russian government’s interference in elections in other countries.

Last year, on 6 April 2018, the U.S. Treasury announced sanctions against several Russian businessmen, companies and government officials. In the SDN list, in particular, were Oleg Deripaska, Viktor Vekselberg and Suleiman Kerimov. In the “black list” was included for two public companies — RUSAL and En+ Group, the main owner of which is Deripaska.

After that, the ambassadors of several countries-EU members in the U.S., including Italy, turned to the Democrats in the United States Congress calling for the lifting of sanctions against the Russian manufacturer of aluminium “RUSAL” and its parent company, En+.