Blockade of Donbas: boyoviki pogrozit, zahopili Ukrainian pdprimstvo
February 27, 2017
photo: the
Fierce 27, 2017, 10:32
“DNR” / “LC” pogromul to enter towns management on pdprimstvo ukraïnskoï jurisdict, yakscho before cob March not prepelitsa transport blockade of Donbas
About TSE said glavi “DPR” and “LPR” Oleksandr Zakharchenko and Igor that Plotnicki, powders one iz separatistsa situ.
“Mi smushed ovalocyte, if to 00:00 mid (1 March 2017 rock), the embargo will be snata, mi, videmo towns management on vsih pdprimstvo ukraïnskoï jurisdict, yaki pratsyuyut in “DNR” and “LNR”. Mi perestanem postacute vogella in Ukraine. For deliveries vogella no hi features, hi circuit pay. Mi we will perebudova VSI vyrobnich Procesi th orat I on Rinok Russie NSIH countries that show,” reads in spline zayavi.
- Nagado, 16 grudnia 2016 rock bits of dobrovolcy batalion said, scho yakscho push stroke 7 days as Ukrainian vesiculobullous not svelnis teroristov, dobrovoljc to pochnut totalno blockade of okupowanych territories.
- 26 grudnia the stench was agrosila about the cob blockade.
- The blockade has Brizuela to decito anthracite vogella. 15 fierce in Ukraine supervagina nazlican come from SFER energy.
- Through the blockade of Donbas , superelite 2 creeks Akhmetov.
- 25 fierce participants blockade Donbas on Morepolitical napramku vakili Perche redoubt.