The actress said in an interview with Vanity Fair how she manages to combine motherhood with work.

According to mothers of large families, Blake lively, despite the fact that it helps the nanny, she had to develop a strict schedule that she maintains. It helps her not to lose contact with the children even during an active shoot.

“I would get up at five in the morning first thing and take care of children. We had Breakfast and then the girls helped me to train – they were my dumbbells. I wore them on hand instead of a vest with weights,” joked the actress.

Hour drive from home – and Blake was on the set of the film “the Rhythm section”, which was lost until late in the evening, and then again came back to put his daughters to bed.

“They are very hard to put to sleep, really. I came from shooting, and get them into the arena, they sang songs until they fell asleep. I fell asleep there. Then usually came Ryan (Reynolds – approx.ed. ) and helped me to get to bed,” added lively.

Now, when the light appeared another girl, the work of Blake and Ryan added, but here it is, on the contrary, makes you happy. “Everything that wakes you up every 45 minutes, you will kill, but for children this rule does not apply, he said. – When you Wake a child – this is the best you’ll ever happened”.