Teenagers from Belarus participated in the international youth military-Patriotic training camp, held in Moscow organization of the E. N. O. T. Corp, known for their involvement in the fighting in the Donbass. The event was held in mid-September and was openly publicized on the website of “the raccoons”, but the Belarusian press only now turned their attention to it.
Fees was held on September 15-17 in Pavlovo-Posadsky district of Moscow region on the territory of the center Voyenno-historical reconstruction “Garrison-A” the message a press-services of E. N. O. T. Corp. The official name of the event – the III International youth military-Patriotic fees to the glory of St. blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy. It was organized by regional public organization “United people’s community partnership” (ROO “E. N. About.T.”).
The training schedule was provided workshops on individual and group tactics, field medicine, mountaineering training, pistol shooting, sniper, radiodelu, engineering training, basics of unarmed combat and competition on the obstacle course.
According to the report on the website of E. N. O. T. Corp, the training camp was attended by 400 people. And participated in the event Teens not only from Russia but also from Serbia, Montenegro, Republika Srpska (the state formation within Bosnia and Herzegovina), Transnistria, Belarus and partially recognized Republic of South Ossetia.
Sami E. N. O. T. Corp call myself a community involved, in particular, support of humanitarian supplies to the scene of hostilities, and military-Patriotic education of youth. The organization conducts free of charge massive fees and military tactical games.
However, telling about the teachings of the Internet publication “Belarusian partisan” calls “raccoons”, “group of the Russian fighters who participated in the war in Donbass from the beginning”. “In addition to participating in the fighting, “the raccoons” was actively engaged in looting, and then traded things removed from dead Ukrainian military. In separatist circles also talked about their involvement in the disarmament of a number of rebellious units LDNR Kremlin”, – stated in the publication.
As notes the edition, E. N. O. T. Corp (editors writes the name of the organization as Enot.Corp) 2015, began their legalization in Russia. “This year, they have the status of public organization and full support of the state, regularly carry out military-Patriotic games-fees” – to be confirmed in the material. According to the newspaper, chief instructor of the organization of the Roman Milenkevich also heads the Union of volunteers of Donbass, which brings together Russians who fought for the Donetsk and Luhansk self-proclaimed republics, and helps them.
Also, “Belarusian partisan” argues that “the raccoons” were close friends of Petersburgers Alexey Milchakov, which in 2011 was mentioned in the criminal chronicle as flayer with Nazi views, brutally killed a puppy, and three years later was identified by journalists in one of the militia LNR.
The publication notes that in may 2016 the Belarusian teenagers have participated in the training camp of “the raccoons”. Then they are delivered to the camp was engaged in the organization of Afghans “Brotherhood” of Vitebsk and a number of military-Patriotic clubs from Drutsk and Tolochin, operating under the auspices of the local Orthodox parishes.
When the charges became known to the General public, the interior Ministry of Belarus received a petition with a demand to clarify the situation. According to official review agencies on the results of the audit, “the Russian neo-Nazis are not involved in the work of Orthodox camps, where travel of the Belarusian children”.
The publication insists that “right-wing views of “the raccoons” doubt”. “A recent example: during a rally in Moscow after beating a Tajik citizen in the article on the website of “the raccoons” is a call “to settle the nest of brazen illegals” and other explicit allusions to the violent confrontation between the migrants”, – explained in the article.
As told the publication of one of the instructors participating in the training camp of the Belarusian teenagers Michael Kamaledin, the organizers are trying not to disclose the names of the children from Belarus, attending the event, and their accompanying adults. According to him, “the Belarusian side wants to remain anonymous because of pressure from the KGB.” As told Kamaledin, after publications in the media, the secret service engaged in the search teams, who carry teenagers to “raccoons”.
However, according to the editorial, this information is not true, but in fact E. N. O. T. Corp allegedly, on the contrary, cooperates with the Belarusian authorities. The newspaper reminds that last fall, Minsk was visited by one of the leaders of the structure Anton Gorokhov. “We came to negotiate with local authorities. There is a commercial interest. At the request of your government details are not disclosed”, – he told reporters. Later Gorokhov added that “the purpose of the meeting was the formation of a joint program to train young men to serve in the army,” and the talks were “regional”.