Presentation Translatica have direct APR.
Gran the iPhone X problen zi Stal, lyzlova I tilna panel h, I, Yak I in iPhone 8. VIN bude dostupni in kolorach I Silver Space Gray.
Zbiczno Home button in iPhone X no, natact for razblokirovanie, vihod on the head I I to the menu Buda vykorystovuyutsia gesture from nizhnogo the edge of the screen.And sche wtaer dwellers razblokirovat Novyi iPhone dostatno bude lachey panuti screen that pokrutit oblichchya in front of the camera.
Unit datchik for rozpisywania oblichchya in the Apple called TrueDepth Camera, VIN rastsveta have vistop over display.
Developers from ablaut scho chance rosaceana of your smartphone kimos him – one on million.
TrueDepth Camera can rozplanowany oblichchya in whether yakomu odes, ABO W, z be the yakoy cosmetics. Special 2-Yaderny CP obable 600 mlatv operations per second.
Taqiy CP to uchitsya rozplanowany oblichchya koristuvacha, and z konim time guilty are Robit TSE deal tochne. Face ID also pidhodit to dodatku, that nakladatel on oblichchya resonant, effects.
Desiati iPhone equipment Eyad cameras: 12-megapxel s aperture f / 1.8, and so W z aperture of f / 2.4. Obid Cameri Onsen optional stablity.
Camera Patria syomka 4K video.
Wtaer koristuvacha will dostupn nteraction smiley, that smooth Watergate EMI lyudin.
Ocrm tsoho, ablaut scho iPhone X precautio 2 years Dowse, than iPhone7. New z’s to come from prodai 2 month after the presentation itsuno.