Fans cancer patient Anastasia Zavorotnyuk massively disappointed in the actress. On the official page Zavorotnyuk in “Instagram” are less and less fans. Daily from the pages of a cancer patient wife of Peter Chernyshev unsubscribe about 500 people.

Probably the fact that neither the actress nor her representatives could be contacted. Fans of the actress was expecting at least from time to time news from Zavertnik. About illness of the actress became known in September 2019. Then on her page in the social network has signed up thousands of fans to follow the development of his beloved actress. But Anastasia was not pleased fans with any message or video message.

In addition, the situation heated up rumors about malingering actress. Many fans began to doubt that Zavorotniuk sick. Because for all the time of her treatment abroad and in Russia no photographer, or a random person not seen a car crash patient. Fans compare events with similar situation Zhanna Friske.

Then the family of the singer also tried to hide the sick Jeanne, but the paparazzi was waiting for the star at every step and in Russia and in new York and in Jurmala. Pictures a markedly different Friske then spread all over the Internet. And in the case of car crash no evidence of disease, except her family, no.

Read also: Photo of a young daughter, a cancer patient Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was used as a promotional banner on the show Tatiana Navka. The latter would attract more people to your ice show and chose the banner the daughter Zavorotnyuk and Chernyshev.