American energovan zapevnyv scho bankrotstvo not upline on postachannya palivo in Ukraine
Uncategorized March 29, 2017
About TSE powderly of the air force.
“Chapter 11 of the U.S. Code about bankrotstvo not upline on operas Westinghouse at aziska, European, blisskasden and afrikanskogo regions show,” reads the zayavi on Sait compan.
“CLT from CIR regions prodolgovataya otrisovat visalakshi products I service”, – dodoti there.
Have zayavi compan we are talking scho Westinghouse otrimali from Borg $800 million from treto side iz Mehta finansowania I Zahist main to a b_znes compan for the period . reorganiz. TSI koshti, in particular, finansavimui operas compan aziska I European regions.
As Ukraine I. the Westinghouse demobilise about the supply of nuclear palivo on some blocks of Ukrainian AES until 2020 year.