Hello friends, today we will be doing a testnet from Ambit Finance ! which was launched on 07/25/2023.
Ambit Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on BNB Chain. It is designed as a one-stop tool for all-encompassing DeFi needs and offers a variety of features and services, including:
1) Lending and borrowing
2) Staking and farming
3) Decentralized exchanges (DEX)
4) Asset management
5) Insurance
This is absolutely VERY cool! But we are interested in the fact that the project is backed up by the power of binanceLABA in the form of 4.5 Multieons of evergreen $$$

So hare chat! Let’s go 😉
PS the guide is made for COMPLETE beginners, so if YOU are a crypto-enthusiast, scroll down right away – below 😉
Step one.
If you are NOT familiar with the project, the first step is to join DISCORD and Zealy (there we will do FEEDBACK).

Step two.
We go to chainlist.org and add the Binance test grid, select EXACTLY https://bsc-testnet.publicnode.com and click Connect Wallet

You can also add manually:
Network Name: BNB Smart Chain Testnet
New RPC URL: https://bsc-testnet.publicnode.com
Chain ID: 97
Currency symbol: tBNB
Block Explorer URL: https://testnet.bscscan.com
Step three.
Taking some test $BNB from the faucet https://testnet.bnbchain.org/faucet-smart

It’s very simple to insert your address from the metamask and click Give me BNB
Step four.
We select the BNB Smart Chain TESTNET network in the metamask (which we added above) THIS IS MANDATORY TO DO!!! Otherwise, there will be errors with the testnet and even with the faucet! Choose our network MANUALLY!!!!

And go directly to the testnet site https://dev.ambit.finance/
And poke Connect Wallet

Step five.
We take tokens from the Ambit Finance faucet

Step six.
Select the section YOUR DEPOSITS


We confirm all transactions in the metamask (approves and the transaction itself)

Congratulations, we have just deposited our test $USDT at 5% per annum!
Step seven.
Go to the Liabilities tab

And we press Borrow (borrow) a lot DO NOT take otherwise we will be liquidated. We poke 50% and the button Borrow

Congratulations, you HAVE borrowed test $USDT from the platform at a couple of percent per annum.
Now we return by pressing the REPAY button

We twist these actions 5-6 times. Purely for activity, BUT with a loan, we DO NOT BEND THE STICK, otherwise it will be liquidation. But why not test it?
Step eight.
In the upper right corner, click on Activity and take a SCREENSHOT

Step nine.
Go to DISCORD in the #feedback thread and describe your experience of using the platform (don’t forget to attach a screenshot taken earlier).

Step ten.
We go to Zealy and complete the task Try our Testnet

That’s actually the whole testnet !!! It would be superfluous to drive away a couple of accounts – it definitely WILL NOT 😉 Thank you all for your attention and see you soon! Peace to you!
Here are the official links to the project:
Website: https://ambitfi.com/
Twitter(Xitter): https://twitter.com/ambitfinance
Zealy(ref): https://zealy.io/c/ambitfinance/invite/ekw1W79MQfCg-0ZcPF9_Q
Zealy(not ref): https://zealy.io/c/ambitfinance/