After Brexit in the European Parliament will be 46 MPs less

Now working in the EP 751 MP
The European Parliament approved its configuration after release Uk from the EU. A resolution to the deputies voted in plenary meeting, on 7 February, reports UKRINFORM.
Under the agreement, members of the European Parliament after Brexit with the purchase of a new legislative mandate for the period 2019-2024 years will be reduced to 46 seats and includes 705 deputies (currently 751).
In addition, the majority of MEPs supported the initiative of commissioning, starting with the election of 2019, the pan-European constituencies and transnational party lists for voting.
The European Parliament also endorsed the principle of the so-called main candidate on a post of the President of the European Commission. According to him, the head of the leading institution may be elected to one proposed by the political groups of the EP candidates.
It should be noted that the principle of the “main candidate” is not formally enshrined in the Agreement on the EU. Therefore, the candidate for President of the European Commission puts forward European Council taking into account the results of European elections to the European Parliament. Currently, the MPs propose to the European Council to nominate for the position of President of the European Commission only “major candidate” among nominated by political forces that took place after the election of the new composition of the legislative body of the EU.