Mural “Beauty and the bird” was painted on the hill in the Dnieper area and is considered one of the most beautiful in Kiev.
Mural “Beauty and the bird” is one of the most famous in Kiev / Photo facebook Geo Leros

The Kiev authorities have officially allowed the company “Svit outdoor media” to paint the famous city mural to hang in there huge advertising design.

About this on his page in Facebook said the art curator to MP geo Leros.

“Instead of a mural that enlivened the space and created a certain aesthetic, there IS! No. permission 73120-19. Mounts are already mounted, lighting system, too, now have to wait, when there will be some advertising strips or drugs from hemorrhoids,” wrote Leros.

So the facade of the house looks like now / Photo facebook Geo Leros

The MP questioned the aesthetic value of the future design. “And if you look at the result of the activities of the “Svit outdoor media”, you will see a visual concentrate of shit city that should be banned under zero!”, he said.

Note, we are talking about the mural “Beauty and the bird” painted on the hill in the Dnieper district of Kyiv, Kharkiv highway. He is considered one of the most beautiful in Kiev, the work was done by artist from Miami, Ernesto Marange.