Now the complaint shall transmit to the court of Appeal of Kharkiv.
Zaitseva was given 10 years in prison / photo Unintegrate fatal accidents with six victims in Kharkov Elena Zaitseva has appealed the verdict.

Read taksakravi accident in Kharkov, the lawyer Dronova POS appeal

The appeal on a sentence of the Kiev district court of Kharkov from Elena Zaitseva and her lawyer Yulia Pletneva came to court today, March 26. This was stated by the chief of staff of the Kiev regional court Natalya Bardina. According to her, now the complaint shall transmit to the court of Appeal of Kharkiv, reports UA: Kharkov.

Lawyer Julia Pletnev has confirmed that today represents the interests of Yelena Zaitseva. Gave the appeal, the defender has not yet commented. Details promised to announce in a few days. Previously, the interests Elena Zaitseva were represented in court by lawyers Trump Julia and Eugene Melnichenko.

As reported, the verdict in the case about the accident in Sumy Kharkiv Kyiv district court ruled on February 26. The two defendants – Gennady Dronova Elena Zaitseva – sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment with disqualification from driving for three years.

We will remind, the accident occurred on 18 October 2017. As a result of accident six people were killed, many more were injured.