A U.S. citizen Elizabeth Shirley pleaded guilty to illegal possession of classified intelligence from the national security Agency (NSA), USA

The national security Agency

Shirley worked in intelligence, naval forces, at the Pentagon, was involved in cyber-investigations. All this time she has repeatedly gained access to top secret information


A U.S. citizen Elizabeth Shirley pleaded guilty to illegal possession of classified intelligence from the national security Agency (NSA), USA. As reported on the website of the US Department of justice, she planned to pass top secret information to the Russian government.

In addition, the 47-year-old Shirley, who appeared on Monday before the court for the Northern district of West Virginia, pleaded guilty to kidnapping her own child.

First American has gained access to the secret data in 1994 while serving in the air force. During his military career, Shirley worked in intelligence, naval forces, at the Pentagon, was involved in cyber-investigations. All this time she has repeatedly gained access to top secret information.

The prosecution alleges that in July 2019 Shirley along with six-year-old daughter, the guardian of which is the father, went to Mexico. From there she planned to contact the Russian authorities and ask for asylum “in the country, which will not be extradited to the United States.” A woman in violation of the law had a document marked “top secret” and containing information relating to the national security of the United States.

The Ministry of justice argues that in Mexico, Shirley wrote a letter to the Russian government. In the text it was reported on the necessity urgently to send US items related to her work, “before they will take and destroy”.

Detained American in August 2019 at a hotel in Mexico city at the request of U.S. authorities. The woman faces up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250 thousand on charges of possession of classified information, as well as up to three years imprisonment and a fine of up to $250 thousand for the unlawful removal of the child outside the United States.

Elizabeth Jo Shirley, 46, pleaded guilty Monday in U.S. District Court in Martinsburg to single counts of willful retention of national defense information and international parental kidnapping, according to court records and U.S. Attorney Bill Powell. https://t.co/Kzey4Rnd3J— CARI Child Abduction (@ChildrecoveryI) July 7, 2020