The couple posted online videos where they are together with the stroller skate on the ice.

A couple from Karelia posted a video where they skate on lake Onega with a stroller. They wrote that we had 22 kilometers on the ice of the lake from the village of Velikaya Guba to the island of Kizhi.


“In Kizhi skating, really? Really! And still free. In General, today was an interesting experience: we got to Kizhi from great lip 22 km on skates. With a sidecar, Mike slept the whole way. If Your head gets this idea to go to Kizhi in January, it’s all real and quite safe,” wrote Elena demochkin via.

According to her, sometimes their path is passed on the ice thickness of 5 cm. Helen also added that they ride this route every day.

Internet users have reacted violently to the publication, some of them threaten parents with child protective services, the information appeared that against the “careless parents” start the test.

Story interested the Commissioner for children’s rights in the Republic of Karelia Gennady Saraev. He sent official requests to the Ministry of emergency situations in the Republic of Karelia and the Museum-reserve “Kizhi” to confirm this information.