The court found Mary guilty Butino in collusion with the aim of promoting Russia’s interests in the United States.
Maria Butina / REUTERS

A Federal court in Washington on Friday, April 26, sentenced a citizen of Russia Maria Butina to 18 months in prison, followed by deportation.

In December Butina pleaded guilty to conspiring with a Russian official, with the aim of influencing Republicans and conservative political activists in the United States, reports Voice of America.

Judge Tanya Chutkan in sentencing took into account the time Butina had already served in U.S. custody since July of 2018. After serving his sentence in December 2019 Russian woman deported to their homeland.

Read tamgesics and social networks, the media learned how the Russian spy Butina was able to penetrate into influential circles in the United States

The prosecution requested the sentence Butino to 18 months in prison. Chutkan the judge agreed with the prosecution’s request.

Side protection is not going to appeal the verdict.

According to Medusa, citing The Washington Post, the court recognized Butino guilty of conspiracy with the aim of promoting Russia’s interests in the United States, and also that she did this activity without registering as a foreign agent. Butina itself pleaded guilty only on the first charge.

According to prosecutors, Maria Butina tried informally to establish relationships with American conservative circles, on behalf of Russia, under the leadership of former Senator and Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Alexander Torshina.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on July 15 in Washington, DC on charges of “plotting an agent of the Russian Federation” without notice of the US authorities detained 29-the summer Russian Maria Butina. In particular, Butina accused of trying “to develop relations in the United States and to infiltrate organizations, which have influence on American policy.”

Later, the Federal district court in Washington refused to let Mary go Butino bail.

After the arrest in the US media reminded that Butina supported the annexation of the Crimea by Russia and militants in the Donbas.