A bribe for closing the case Zlochevsky: election of measures of restraint as the detainee will be held online

KIEV. On 13 June. UNN. The highest anti-corruption court will consider the petition for election of a measure of restraint to detained persons who attempted to bribe the leaders of NABOO and the ARS online, due to the outbreak of coronavirus infection COVID-19 on the territory of Ukraine. It is reported by UNN citing the press service of SAP and WAX.

“Tomorrow, June 14, at approximately 10:00, the investigating judge WACHS will consider the petition for remand detainees on the eve of the attempt, the provision of undue benefits to the leaders of NABOO and a Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office”, — stated in the message.

“We respect and understand the wish of the representatives of the media to fully cover this process. And the next day there is an increase in the number of affected COVID-19. So as not to expose themselves and the court employees of danger, call upon journalists to refrain from visiting the premises of the courtroom. Because the courtroom with respect to their compliance with anti-epidemic measures is able to accommodate a limited number of people”, — reported in a press-service of the court.

Media representatives are urged to follow the course of the review online. “We will provide the stream of consideration of the application traditionally will be broadcasted on our Youtube channel, on our Facebook page, as well as in telegrams canal court”, — have informed in a press-service.

See ALSO: Burisma deny involvement led the company to record a bribe for NABU and SAP

In turn, SAP reminded that we are talking about the first Deputy chief of GU GPS in Kiev, one of the leaders of the group of companies affiliated with the former Minister of ecology and natural resources of President Viktor Yanukovych and the former head of one of departments of the SFS of Ukraine, the Trustee of axminister ecology.

“The SBS officer and head of group of companies accused of committing crimes under part 5 article 27, part 4 of article 369 of the criminal code (“aiding and abetting in the provision of a obliged person who holds especially responsible position, undue advantage for the Commission in the interests of a third person action using the given power, on preliminary arrangement by group of persons”).

Former head of the Department — part 4 St. 368 criminal code of Ukraine.

“The Prosecutor SAP will insist on electing a suspect measure of restraint in form of detention with alternative Deposit”, — reported in the specialized Prosecutor’s office.

As previously reported UNN, seized $ 6 million, which were intended to staff the NEB and the Specialized anticorruption Prosecutor’s office as a bribe, was to induce law enforcement officers to close criminal proceedings against ex-the Minister of ecology Nikolay Zlochevsky birthday tomorrow, June 14.

However, it became known that the episode in which were offered undue advantage for involvement in the misappropriation of funds of a stabilization loan from the NBU, which was published on under control to Sergey Kurchenko “real Bank” and the legalization of these funds.

Recall that yesterday the National anti-corruption Bureau has released the first photo of $ 6 million, which were intended to staff the NEB and the Specialized anticorruption Prosecutor’s office as a bribe. It was later reported that this case had been detained three persons. For the detainees are asking the measure of restraint in form of detention.

Also remember, the detectives NAB recorded the fact of giving them the ex-officer of illegal benefit for decision-making about closing of criminal proceedings.

As reported by people’s Deputy Alexander Dubinsky, the bribe was to facilitate the closure of the case against the company Burisma.