KIEV. July 12. UNN. The American administration has revoked the visa for entry into the United States in the 21st civil servant Nicaragua. This was announced on Wednesday, V. O., Deputy assistant Secretary of state for Western hemisphere Affairs, Kenneth Merten, informs UNN.

“As you know, we introduced individual sanctions against members of the regime in Venezuela. We applied the “Global Magnitsky act” in respect of the three persons in Nicaragua. We, as I understand it, annulled 21 (issued prior to American entry) visa officials (Nicaragua), who are responsible for that sort of thing. There is also the possibility that we explore the option of these tools on a wider scale” — said the diplomat, speaking at a hearing of the Committee on foreign Affairs, house of representatives, U.S. Congress.

“We continue to work to promote civil society, to engage with civil society, and to encourage the opposition parties had a voice,” said Merten, commenting on US policy in Latin America.

“We support those in Nicaragua who are calling for early elections. We confirm this,” — said the representative of the foreign Ministry.

As reported UNN, Russia has not responded to the appeal of the US Ambassador to visit Sentsov.