The football Federation of Ukraine has run into yet another scandal, continuing the rapid transformation of the solid reputation of the organization into a laughing stock.
This time the team of proffessionalov headed by Andriy Pavelko managed to bring up the breakdown (actually rip) the holding of the friendly match Ukraine national team against Albania.
In the House of football by the mouth of Andriy Shevchenko took the usual thing to translate arrows and to make excuses. First, all piled on an organization dedicated to match a certain agent. Then there is a version that Ukraine – even invited the team, and FFU allegedly has nothing to do with the organization of this match.
As practice shows, the entire truth about this situation, the fans still do not know, because the Federation is afraid to take responsibility and be open. It remains to look for answers outside of football. What about inexperienced, but already a sensational match Ukraine vs Albania I think football authorities and experts?
The most succinct characterization of the action of the FFU was made by the Vice-UEFA President Grigoriy Surkis, has extensive experience as head of the national Association and officials of UEFA: “I would call it one word – carelessness of the people who have no idea what the national team. These people brought the Federation to the point that the guys from the youth team of Ukraine U-17, according to the election law of the place in the finals of the European championship, was crying from the injustice. Was fired some managers that did not have any relationship. Is it a reasonable approach, is it the professionalism? In my opinion, it is simply carelessness that should not be. In other words, people who play football just for the sake of PR themselves, deserve more than I gave them.” (29.05.18).
And according to the editor of the magazine “Football” Artem Franko, the failure of the match Ukraine – Albania – not the last item in the list feil FFU. “Looks like everything is on the rise. Us technical defeat 17-year-old still seems pathetic flowers on the background of new achievements!
What sort of information war, what sort of “campaign to demonize” – they all do, he will give rise to any insults at them. Abuse is fully deserved, because it looks like this is not stupidity, which is not capable of the current leadership of the FFU. It will be interesting to listen to the President. And guess what’s next… a Ban on the official game because of the lack of a plane?!”, – in all seriousness asks the journalist in the conference on the website MatchDay (29.05.18).
Football expert Mikhail Cupcake, expressing bewilderment about the situation, wondered for those who do FFU organizes the matches of the national team. “Think it’s screwed up everywhere: and artificial fields, and cups, and wives. But no, UFF tries to create within its ranks a spherical Ukrainian officials in a vacuum.
…it’s better in FFU explain why you can’t play matches in Ukraine? It is clear that the staff of the FFU with wives unlikely to want to go to Odessa or Kharkov, when there is such a great option in France. Well, at least a bit of decency should have,” wrote Cupcake. (29.05.18).
His colleague Andrey Shakhov went even further, raising the question of the strategic activities of the FFU. “Why Ukraine decided to play: 1. With Albania, which is not a party to the world Cup? 2. On neutral ground, somewhere in Switzerland/France? 3. With Albania and even a neutral field?
Ukraine is a neighbor country to host the world Cup. We have at least similar climatic conditions and approximate time zone. The stadiums we have bases there, a break in the championship… to be Honest, I was sure that wanting to play a friendly match against Ukraine on our site will be in bulk. Only butt move you need. Instead, Albania, which for the world Cup has the same attitude like our team”. Facebook (28.05.18)
More harsh in his review was the editor of “Dynamo Kiev” from Shurik” Alexander Popov, Recalling the recent scandal with the tour of the Champions Cup to family and friends Pavelko: “the Friendly match Ukraine – Albania breaks down… In what context? Did not have the mind and hands, just to make docks for the freight train? This is some know-how? Ah, Yes… the Hands of these nevmenyaem were busy. They dragged the Champions Cup for the churches as well as “the Rover.” And “minds” were then occupied, as this is best to opelate. What’s a friendly match national team of Ukraine!” Facebook (28.05.18).
You can predict to thoughts that say about Andriy Pavelko. Of course I will call the substantive criticism of a planned provocation against the UFF, and said that the fakes he has not commented. It turns out that all the activities of the Federation is a solid fakie?
Ivan DIVAC, “Football club”