The national anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine published a scheme for the appropriation of funds the city budget of Odessa in the sale of buildings of HC of the region, in which it is suspected the mayor Gennady Trukhanov. About it reports a press-Department service.

According to investigators, in the first half of 2016, the mayor of Odessa has agreed with the persons who actually control JSC UAB Naster, LTD VALTON GROUP LP and LLC development Elites appropriation of funds of the local budget of the city of Odessa.

It is established that for implementation of criminal intent in the period from July to December 2016 Trukhanov together with the other officers of the city Council, using his official position contrary to the interests of the territorial bulk of Odessa, carried out a series of actions to achieve their corrupt goals.

In particular, according to the detectives, to create conditions for the appropriation of funds of the budget involved in the beginning of October 2016 was looking for, and attracted to the transaction of the Director of the subject evaluation, who determined predetermined and deliberately inflated the project cost estimate in the amount of UAH 185 million.

The consequence considers that the participants of the corrupt scheme have told members of the city Council of deliberately false information about the urgency of addressing the issue of the purchase of the premises, ostensibly due to the need to present the documents in a timely manner. This was probably done to exclude or create obstacles to the deputies and to the responsible persons in the proper study of feasibility and economic justification for purchasing this particular building.

In addition, the deputies assured that the price of the room is the objective, verified by authorized officials of the specialized Executive bodies of the Council and the standing Committee, which was responsible for the preparation of a draft decision, and the costs are economically justified, although in reality it was not so. Also the mayor of Odessa reported to deputies false information about co-financing the project from the State budget.

Officials of the Odessa city Council for a long time provided the NEB documents prepared by the evaluation entity, including pursuant to the decision of the investigating judge on the temporary access. The documents were seized by employees of the Department only as a result of search in the premises of the Odessa city Council.

Click on the diagram to enlarge

Infographics: NABOO

Thus, according to the investigation, persons involved ensure the adoption of the deputies of the Odessa city Council decision granting consent to the acquisition in the municipal property of a territorial community of the building of OJSC HC region at obviously inflated price – UAH 185 million.

According to detectives, this vote was a cover for the implementation of criminal intent under the guise of making a binding decision of the collegial body.

The investigation also found that the results obtained from the city authorities funds, the firm-seller tried to list companies with signs of fictitiousness, the head of which is now in the zone of the ATO. However, the detectives NAB and prosecutors of Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office has prevented this attempt and has achieved arrest of accounts of the company-the seller of the building.

See also: SAP wants to remove the Trukhanov from the post of mayor, appointed judge

14 Feb 2018 Trukhanov and his Deputy, Paul Vogelman detained at Boryspil airport and transferred to NAB. Both appear in criminal proceedings on misappropriation and embezzlement of property.

15 Feb Solomensky regional court of Kiev dismissed the mayor and his Deputy on bail of people’s deputies. SAP has appealed the decision to the appellate court.

Topic of the day: Trukhanov faces up to 12 years in prison: at a glance the whole story

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