
Employees of the security Service of Ukraine together with the Prosecutor’s office exposed the bribe of the official of the Main Department Gastrula in the Odessa region. About it reports press-the SBU center.

Law enforcement authorities established that the main state inspector of the organized mechanism of obtaining money from commercial institutions for not preventing the fulfillment by all employees working on the electrical networks.

Operatives of special services has documented that the official demanded from the local businessman of $2 thousand In the same amount suspect appreciated the preparation of the positive acts of the survey, not reflection convicted of offenses and the issuance of permits for work with an increased level of risk.

Employees of SBU detained the official during receiving the second part of a bribe in the amount of $1.7 thousand, the transfer of the advance was recorded earlier.

Urgent investigative actions within the criminal proceedings opened under part 3 St. 368 criminal code (receiving a bribe in especially large size or the official holding especially responsible position).

He faces imprisonment for a term of eight to twelve years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term up to three years and with confiscation of property.


Earlier today, employees of SBU together exposed on the bribe of the official Kremenetski the local Prosecutor’s office in Ternopil region. Law enforcement authorities established that the Prosecutor demanded from the inhabitant of the Kremenets district of $2.5 million for failure to prosecute for illegal hunting.

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