The court postponed the decision on the participants fatal accident in Kharkov
Uncategorized February 7, 2018Kharkiv Kyiv district court failed to elect a suspect measure of restraint in the case of a fatal accident Dronovu Gennady and Elena Zaitseva. The announcement of the decision is postponed for tomorrow at 14:00, according to local newspaper NewsRoom.
According to the report, the prosecution was required to extend to both defendants arrest for 60 days without the right of bail.
In this case, Elena Zaitseva said that he would not protest against this decision, and Gennady drones did not agree with the requirements of the Prosecutor’s office.
“We do not agree with the petition for custody. I and my client feel that the attorney is returned to the risks that have already been refuted,” said the lawyer Dronova Sergey Perepelitsa.
He filed a petition for mitigation of a measure of restraint from detention to house arrest.
February 2, prosecutors given in Kharkiv Kyiv district court indictment against Zaitseva and Dronova.
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