A blast at a nightclub in the Bajo Cauca Antioquia region of Colombia has injured 31 people, the mayor of Caucasia has said.
Several people were injured when two attackers reportedly an threw an explosive device into the Bora Bora nightclub, Caucasia, in the early hours of Friday morning.
Others were injured in the stampede that ensued, according to the Caracol radio station. Several people are thought to have suffered serious injuries.
En la noche del jueves explosión de granada en #Caucasia que dejó más de 30 personas heridas más información rn #ConsejoTA@BustamanteLinda@AramburoFelipepic.twitter.com/9YwxCRvCol
— Sebastián Góez (@sebastiangoez) December 29, 2017
Fueron capturados por la @Policiantioquia presuntos responsables del atentado en Caucasia más detalle en @Teleantioquia#Noticias a las 7:00 p.m. pic.twitter.com/d6J0o3kjhy
— Sebastián Góez (@sebastiangoez) December 29, 2017
The two suspected attackers, a man and a woman, have been detained according to the mayor Oscar Anibal Suarez, who spoke to RCN Radio.
He confirmed 31 people were injured, three seriously, according to AP.
Colonel Carlos Sierra Nino, commander of the Antioquia police force, said two people approached the nightclub on a motorbike before an explosive was thrown at the building.
?Explosión de una granada en una discoteca de Caucasia, Antioquia, dejó dieciséis personas heridas, tres de ellas de gravedad. El ataque habría sido perpetrado por el Clan del Golfo #RCNRadiopic.twitter.com/1IqVgovfQL
— RCN Radio Medellín (@RCN990Medellin) December 29, 2017
⚖️ Dos personas, un hombre y una mujer, al parecer integrantes del Clan del Golfo, fueron capturados por ataque con granada a una discoteca de Caucasia, Antioquia #RCNRadiopic.twitter.com/rAur8xqKnC
— RCN Radio Medellín (@RCN990Medellin) December 29, 2017
The motive for the attack is not yet clear but Suarez suggested it may have been gang related.
Rechazamos todo acto de violencia contra la comunidad de caucasia, únete a este gran plantón. pic.twitter.com/vdz9LKrT5P
— Alcaldia Caucasia (@Alc_Caucasia) December 29, 2017
The local government denounced the incident in a statement on Twitter.
“We reject any act of violence against the community of Caucasia,” it read.
“The mayor invites all the citizens to join the strike to show the disagreement at the violent acts towards our town.”