How to make a Christmas tree safe – tips rescue
Uncategorized December 20, 2017Ukrainians are already beginning to establish the tree for the New year and Christmas. To the consequences of the fire no one was eclipsed by the holidays, it is necessary to observe certain safety requirements. A number of safety rules has published a press-service gschs.
Christmas decorations – candles, firecrackers and lights, Christmas trees burn well. and artificial at the same time allocate poisonous substances quickly melt and “spread out”. Therefore, the tree must be placed at least 1 m from furniture and heaters. Ornamental tree also should not stand in the aisles, near the exits, on escape routes.
When choosing an artificial Christmas tree is safer to give preference to models that are fire-proof impregnation.
The tree should be correctly assembled and securely installed on a stable basis, and the toys on it evenly distributed – then the less chance that she will fall and hurt the baby.
On the tree you cannot set the candles and sparklers, especially with cotton “snow” and paper toys.
Assemble the artificial tree according to the instructions. In the process of compiling a Christmas tree it is not recommended to fend for her children. In the room where the Christmas tree stands is kids should be only under adult supervision. For child safety the tree is better to dress light decorations that are unbreakable.
Should be observed and the rules of electrical safety. For decorating the Christmas tree, you cannot use non-certified electrical products. To connect garland to the network need only through the plug connections. They urgently need to disconnect from the network if suddenly discovered a fault in the illumination (heating wires, lights flashing, sparking). You should also not allow children to independently turn lights. Prohibited lighting the Christmas tree candles.
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