Gifs are extremely popular with millions of users of social networks. It took the engineers BEAM Authentic and created a “smart” icon under the name of the beam. However, the word “icon” is not quite correct, since we are talking about the electronic device with AMOLED screen, which is the flow of the GIF.

The beam screen has a resolution of 400 x 400 pixels, the thickness of the gadget – 10 mm, diameter – 50 mm. the Icon is fully Autonomous and can operate from a battery during the day. However, this autonomy ends. To beam, it must be linked to a smartphone via Bluetooth, where will be downloaded image. In the device memory can hold up to hundreds of static and animated images. Clothing badge attaches via magnetic holders.

Another feature is that the transmission of the alarm message containing the coordinates of the smartphone, several pre-selected subscribers. For this you need to hold the button pressed for 10 seconds. The price of “smart” icon beam – $ 99, and $ 3 from each sold icon listed in one of three user-selected charitable organizations.

Source — Android Police