In Kharkov on the go bus caught fire with passengers
Uncategorized December 17, 2017Yesterday, 16 December, in Kharkiv during the movement of the bus caught fire. All passengers managed to leave the cabin before it was engulfed in flames. This reports the press service of the Kharkiv police.
Police found that during the movement of the bus, the driver noticed smoke from under the hood and urged passengers to leave the cabin.
After all the people left, the man tried to put out independently fire, but he quickly broke out and spread to the cabin. The fire completely destroyed the bus. There were no injuries.
Event information included in the Unified register of statements and reports.
The police establishes the circumstances of the fire.
On December, 16th in Kirov the car VAZ crashed into a group of pedestrians who moved on the roadway. In the accident suffered six people.
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