1645 and the “three areas” Putin has again distorted history of Ukraine
Uncategorized December 15, 2017Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference today announced his version of how was the emergence of Ukraine as she is “joined” to Russia. In his story, the head of the aggressor state have the dates mixed up, again complained of “illegal entry” of the Crimea in the USSR and hinted at the need for “unification” of Russia and Ukraine.
“Our historical, spiritual and other roots give me the right to say that basically we are one people”, – Putin said.
He said that “in the nineteenth century there were people who began to say that Ukraine should be independent”. The President admitted that such views were a response to “certain violent Russification” in the then Russian Empire.
“Although Ukraine was the least important, because Ukraine is an Orthodox country. Did not exist at all in the passport the column “nationality”, it was just “religion”. Nothing at all from the Ukrainian, Russian was no different,” said Putin.
“Ukraine joined the Russian Empire in 1645, the three areas, speaking the language of today – Kyiv, Chernihiv and Zhytomyr today, there as something different was called” – he continued, referring to a “three areas” the territory of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, which covered only a few ethnic Ukrainian lands.
Read also: Russia wants to check the history books because of the Crimea
The master of the Kremlin, probably, confused with 1645 1654-m -, the company concluded a military-political agreement between the Hetman Khmelnytsky and Muscovy, but not the Russian Empire, as was said. The President of the Russian Federation described the agreement as “Ukraine’s accession to Russia”, although it was about the protectorate.
According to Putin, “as a result of finding (Ukraine) in the Russian Empire around it grows the territory due to many events”.
“But in 1922, 23, 24 years the Bolsheviks decided that all adjacent to the historic part of Ukraine’s territory must be loaded in the newly created Republic of Ukraine”, – said the Russian leader, ignoring the existence of this Ukrainian people’s Republic, proclaimed in 1917 in the Ukrainian ethnic lands, including the southern and Eastern region.
“All black sea went there (in the USSR – ed.), after the Second world war went to the Western region. It so happened, okay. But in 1954 took Crimea and there gave – in violation of existing Federal legislation (the USSR – ed.) that would have required the consent of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, it was decided by the Presidium of the Supreme Council”, – said Putin.
The Russian President also said that if “someone thinks that Ukraine is better to develop as an independent state, then so be it” and “to deal with this opinion is absolutely pointless and counterproductive.”
“But the whole world is going the other way: people of different nationalities and religions, ethnically different unite closer and closer to each other. In Europe this is happening in Asia, in North America – everywhere in the world. We first separated, and then was vented. We have finally come to the realization that is beneficial to Ukraine and Russia, and that is counterproductive”, – concluded the master of the Kremlin.
Putin has previously questioned the territorial integrity of Ukraine, namely the belonging to her of the southern and Eastern regions. In particular, in April 2014, he statedthat the East of the country is “Russia” that Ukraine in the 1920-ies “gave the Bolsheviks”.
Read also: Putin responded to “unwashed Russia,” Poroshenko strings Shevchenko
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