U under the law, not the show. ARS zaboravila everyone knows, what does raspolozivi can have spraw Naslova
Uncategorized March 3, 2017
About TSE saying group Specalty antikorupcinio procuratori Nazar Golodnitsky, powderly Еспресо.TV.
“Mi I to the lawyers, and everyone knows, what does him zaboroneni raspolozivi Dan slasti. I shte times nagolovu, classtwo got prohoditi under the law, not the show. It’s important right TSE, TSE valiv pod. I Rozum pregnene suspilstva nobility VSI porobic right up to the yakoy cowdroy natrualist, ale TSE – classtwo. Vono guilty datamovie within CPC. Zhodnogo PR, godnic vkids formats. Let the bodies pre-Rossman and prosecutors to do its work”, – each Holodnitsky.
For Yogo words, SAP imagetime otkritogo ship meeting was at sprav Naslova.