Ukraine joined the Alliance against trafficking in instruments of torture

In the creation of the organization was attended by 58 countries


Ukraine joined the Alliance against trafficking in tools of torture and execution. About it reports a press-service of representation of Europe in Ukraine, reports 112 Ukraina.

The evening of 18 September, during the week of the UN General Assembly in new York was created by an international Alliance against trafficking in instruments of torture. Ukraine, represented by foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, joined the Alliance. This is a joint initiative of the European Union, Argentina and Mongolia.

International law prohibits torture under any circumstances. Despite this, the tools and means for causing pain and death, still buy and sell around the world. These include batons with metal spikes, stun belt, means holding people during torture with electric shocks, chemicals for executions and forced injections.

“These guns are used to inflict terrible pain and killing people. Today we are taking concrete steps to stop this shameful trade. I’m glad so many countries around the world signed a joint Declaration and joined the Alliance. By pulling together, we show that we will no longer tolerate such a trade,” said European Union Commissioner on trade Cecilia Malmstrom.
In the formation of the Alliance was attended by 58 countries around the world – Africa, America, Europe and Asia. They signed a joint political Declaration. By joining NATO, the countries agreed on four action points:

-adoption of measures to control and limit the export of these guns;

-provision of customs equipment. In the framework of the Alliance will create a platform for monitoring trade flows, exchange of information and identification of new resources;

-technical assistance for the development and implementation of laws that prohibit such trade;

-exchange of experience in the field an effective system of control and supervision.

In the EU and other countries is now harder to buy drugs for lethal injections and torture instruments. They also become more expensive. All this is partly due to more stringent legislation. Producers and traders in such goods trying to pass these laws.

Thus, the more countries committed themselves to ban the export of such weapons, the more effective will be efforts to stop such trafficking.

Alliance against trafficking in instruments of torture is one of the concrete steps that you can take to acquire such guns were much harder to stop, thus, trade in such weapons worldwide.