About powders Pres center Ministerstva fancv Ukraine.
Pitched in 31 lipnya reigning first garantovanih power Borg Ukraine SRS in tolarova equvalent $1.05 billion , or 1.4%, to $76,06 billion.
General scrip garantovano the sovereign power of the Borg in UAH equivalent for Tsey period zrosla by 13.33 mlarda UAH, or 0.7%, to 1,97 trillion of the hryvnia.
Read also: 7 facts about those Yak Ukrainian] probivaetsya in ºC
Zgidno s of data, from the cob rock reigning first garantovanih power Borg SRS $5,09 billion, or 7.2%, in tolarova equvalent that by 41.34 mlarda UAH Chi 2,1%, from UAH equivalent.
Gargbage Ukraine to 2017 year peredacha granicni riven I garantovano sovereign power Borg on kinets rock in Rosmer 2,296 of trillion UAH.