Poroshenko respown, skilki ukraïntsiv killed rosiyska agresja
Uncategorized July 21, 2017
About TSE podolev the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, Pereda Еспресо.TV
“For all dni agres 11 thousand ukraïntsiv vdali his life, not razreshali the heart of a residential, civilnih Chi gadiukiny” – said Poroshenko.
President nagada scho lachey for two ostan dni agresor typing 8 in the area of Galician Ukrainian, that was sajidali Ukraine on Donbass.
“Sorry, agresor namagala snowgate (asphi of Ukraine – ed) Krivoy agony on Donbas” – pidkreslyv Poroshenko.
For Yogo words, same asphi of Ukraine in the country reformand steel to the reason, via the Yak gate Virchow activespaces on front.