Poroshenko respown, skilki gruzinskih after patronale Ukraine
Uncategorized July 19, 2017
About TSE saying the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, Pereda Еспресо.TV
“Mi pam atamo, in 2014 year, if Bulo nivice, I trimas 200 zwerner gruzinskih after s prajanam nadati the Ukrainian gromadyanska, dwellers stink Boule vkluchen to love zbroynih forces of Ukraine”, – said Poroshenko.
President nagolovu takozh, scho abi Peremogi swellnet ocupaban territor oboh powers of the country toil spitritual mizh him.
Nagada VIN takozh, scho Ukraine has not Zalesie naodintsi Georgia in 2008 year, and dopomagala I, including viskovo.