Narada Vdovina have produsen LANs ploschi have harkovi for “Radio News”
Uncategorized February 23, 2017
About TSE powderly Еспресо.TV.
The meeting was schodo tsogo power little rozpoczecia on the 11th wound, however nudeshow sheet z Vestnik Khar’kov trial, in yakomu yshlosya about those scho Narada’t got the right lisati LANs “Radio News”, however, Nacred somnevayutsya have spravnost tsogo document. Tim more ti, hto Yogo brought prishli s operator, “Radio News”.
The words zastupnici head Acrade, Tsey document General we wagati medislim, adzhe stink today W the wound telefonoval in Tsey samiy court ploschi have harkovi, however nhto not VDPAU.
Siogodni the meeting was zakonchilsa Tim scho harkivske “Radio News” vzhe bude not movity, the frequency agrosat competition. Schodo of Kyiv, the meeting was postponed to tomorrow.
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