CEN-posadov casw Yanukovych vdkouwe 360 million zbytku.
May 24, 2017
photo: vchasnoua
May 24, 2017, 13:32
Kriminalnih from the Ref against vysokopreosv casw Yanukovych has vdkouwe zbytku in the amount of about 360 million UAH
About TSE respown the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko, Pereda Еспресо.TV
For Yogo words, law pdaddy vzhe openrice 32 CEN-posadowa casw Yanukovych that cervice fctive pdprimstvo. Sered them: Colin the patron’s head national Bank, Director Parastu NBU do cervenik podatkowa NSPCC Pecherskom Ryan, head of the Department compan “SPEC”, kolicina head Kiïvskoï ODE.
Data currently already otrimali virak 16 CEN-chinovniki, Sered yakih kolesny patron Mnestra economcial development of the I thergbl, Head of the Auction komatu s sale of naphtha, gas condensate, with the marked gas that vogella; patron’s Head pravlinnya “NAK “Naftogaz Ukraine”, and also the chief podatkowa MLC Ukraine.
- Nagado, right about zlocini ex-President Yanukovych Vctor that eks-head of MVS Tala Zakharchenko against activsts Maidan skiroute to the court after Miroku about bergsrud Yanukovych
- Have CIV NISC areas Satriano 23 viscopedic reigning of podatkowych adminstrate, yaki Mali otnoshenia to economic zlocinu for casw Yanukovych
- Prabakaran General description pocha masshtabno operation iz settimana posadov of podatkowych services, that has pospirali rostrading 97 billion UAH zlocini ugrupovania ex-President Yanukovych Vctor