Chernigov 700 thousand UAH Khmelnitsky monument deployed back to Moscow


Hetman decided to turn over to the Church – Сайты Чернигова 

In Chernihiv the monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky rekonstruiruet and deployed: face to the Central square and the Church, and back to Moscow.

This was reported by the press service of the Chernihiv city Council.

Figure Khmelnytsky to the famous Soviet sculptor Ivan Kavaleridze will set to face the Central square and Pyatnitskaya Church.


The Ministry reminded that according to the project architect Andrew Karnabeda, Hetman have to stay back East. But during the construction the party leadership forced the builders to expand the sculpture in the opposite direction, face to the then regional party.

The rotation of the sculpture of Hetman 180 degrees will cost the city budget in 700 thousand UAH.

We will remind, the Parliament approved the punishment for the St. George ribbon.