Novi head of the FBI obza of produziti Rosslyn schodo Russie
Uncategorized May 12, 2017
About TSE powderly of the air force.
The words of McCabe, zvilnennya James Komi does not have uplynulo to work for the FBI. VIN takozh pooba have modelsome podolaty about whether that poltion truchana at the robot Desk.
Thus McCabe, vistupali comteam before the Senate, stating scho James Komi MAV popularist middle of Radovich pratik Bureau.
For data ZMI, mezhi otstavki apenisa also the patron of attorney General of the United States Rod Rosenstein. Have Blome Dom said scho naperedodni rsena about zvilnennya Komi Rosenstein written note Presidentof Trump, yaky ukazov “seriesn pomilki” CEN-cervica the FBI.
Rosenstein nbit obsav svilenitsa in Razi, yakscho in Blame Dom state scho rsena about zvilnennya Komi, Isla, bezposrednio from Donald trump.