After Brexit ºC to rasshiryaetsya on Balkani, – Modern
Uncategorized May 11, 2017
About TSE verhovni predstavnik ºC iz soundno policy Federko Modern said in interv Yu La Stampa.
“I vpevnena scho ° C to popovitsa to maibutnyogo the new members, skladi lachey 27 countries of the Union not to palestinese. I think TSE budesa for rakhunok balkanskih countries, s yakimi mi Vedema speak schodo join,” said Modern.
Modern vapula on zapitannya about the progress and prospects join to Serb ºC, Chornogor the Kosovo.
“TSE zaleite from vanasin Kono s Tsikh countries W ºC, that dosage digit ospho, lcuoco push stroke 20 years “Rani Vini”. Way has long I waikii, but I perekonna, scho cutaneous s Tsikh countries has got the prospect in ° C”, – doda verhovni predstavnik Evrosouzu.