China viprobuval litak-rival Boeing
May 5, 2017
photo: REUTERS
May 5, 2017, 14:52
In Kita from pasazerski litak Comac C919 wicona sviy pershiy kiprobalni polit, slevi s international airport Shanghai
About TSE powderly of the air force.
Comac C919, with the brainchild kitaiskih virobnikiv responsible for the way the direct competitor to the Boeing 737 the Airbus A320. Perche polit C919 Zdislav without Pasaieru, Yogo Board pereboleli only 5 people plate ngenera.
From Razi ospho C919 mill Perche kitaiskim seremoniamestari ltcom, that wide on Sovi market avataravatar. He smoge panati on Board 168 Pasaieru I ltati on vgscan to 5.5 tis. Vartist km away, Comac C919 ocenyat at $50 million, scho VDC less than the Boeing 737 the Airbus A320.
Litak pocha rosnoblet the school in 2008 year, the prot kiprobalni be called a few more run rasv vtkedge. C919 Spano in Kita, ale s vikoristannyam importnih technologies. Of in particular, Demba vstanovleno dvigun, francusko-American manufacturer of the CFM.
Poperednii zamovlen vzhe 500 ltakv for 23 airlines Yak kitaiskih, so I zakordonnih. The main pokupaem liners mill, China Eastern Airlines.