8 years for injuring of protesters in Kharkov, the court signed the sentence to the participant of the “Antimaydana”
Uncategorized April 22, 2017
This information is reported “Диалог.UA” referring to the press center of the GPU.
Three years ago, on April 6, informed the defendant on the street Sumy, near the monument to Shevchenko, where the assembled citizens on the Euromaidan, together with other “Maidan protesters” blocked the traffic along the street.
The man voiced threats to the activists, calling them, and threw stones at them. Policemen lined up in a corridor for safe movement of activists of the Euromaidan, however, convicted, pushing employees of the police service, stormed into the corridor and began to beat the demonstrators.
One of the activists he was beaten on the head with a glass bottle.
The judge who had handled the case acknowledged “anti-Maidan protester” guilty and sentenced him to 8 years in prison will.
We will remind, earlier “Диалог.UA” reported that in Lugansk area employees of SBU detained the former activist “Antimaydana” and member of “LNR”.